Pint Saized Art History

20 - It Takes Two to Profit

March 17, 2022 Dani Saiz / Squid / Mama Squid, a.k.a. Shari Season 1 Episode 20

Jackson Pollock's life, work, and wife, Lee Krasner's influence on him is the topic of discussion for Dani, Squid, and special guest, Mama Squid.

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Artwork Discussed:
Male and Female, c1942-1943, Jackson Pollock
Composition with Pouring I, c1940s, Jackson Pollock
Mural, c1943, Jackson Pollock
Nude Descending A Staircase, No. 2, Marcel Duchamp
Cathedral, c1947, Jackson Pollock
Blue Poles, a.k.a. Number 11, c1952 Jackson Pollock

Find Shari's blog, Peace Through Suffering here

Music: « Punky » from

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